LBR Dental & Implant Center


FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Cost of Full Mouth Rehabilitation will be based on the type of the Implants(Basal/Conventional) and if it is Conventional whether it is ALL ON 4 or ALL ON 6 concept.

The cost of the Full mouth reconstruction under the able guidance of DR. K. A. REDDY at LBR Dental and Implant center who has command over both Basal and Conventional implants and has placed over 20000+ implants.

Basal Implants

Upper Jaw 10 Implants, Lower – 8 IMPLANTS and DMLS, 3 D Printed Prosthesis is around 3 TO 4 Lakh.

Conventional Implants

ALL ON 4 with Multi unit abutments and Hybrid prosthesis on cobalt chromium frame work will be around – 2.5 to 3 lakh.
ALL ON 6 with multi unit abutments and DMLS prosthesis is around – 3.5 to 5 lakh.


The difference between the Basal and the Conventional Implants being, Basal implants are single piece implants and they osseofix with the bone and are cement retained.


Conventional implants initially were not the preferred treatment of choice as they were not loaded immediately and required additional surgical procedures like sinus lifts and bone grafts. With the advent of our trademarked CPBCCI Protocol ™, Conventional implants can now be loaded immediately without subjecting the patients to additional surgeries, CPBCCI PROTOCOL ™ is favoured in diabetic, hypertensive patients and also in people who have the habit of smoking.


The benefits of Conventional implants over Basal implants are that they are approved globally, where as Basal implants are not US FDA approved therefore not practised in US and in few other developed countries.

Dental implant placement is a painless procedure and are placed under local anesthesia, the same injection that is given for any other dental procedure like a Root canal or a tooth Extraction, If the procedure requires 3 to 4 dental implants, the treatment will be wrapped up even before you realize it.


With regard to Full mouth dental implants though painless, the patient might experience some amount of discomfort as the procedure will take around 2 to 3 hours.


However the level of discomfort will again rely on the expertise, and experience of the Implantologist and the pain perception of the patient, post operative discomfort can be managed using medication.

No matter what material the artificial teeth are made of, they cannot be compared with healthy natural teeth in form or function. Having mentioned that, if your teeth are decayed or worn out and there is possibility to restore them, it is always better to save them but if they are damaged beyond repair then, dental implantation is the treatment of choice as they are next best to natural teeth. Implants replace the tooth as a whole, that is the crown and the root, there by maintaining the constitution of the bone which usually deteriorates once a tooth is lost due to lack of stimulation to the bone.

Full mouth dental implants are considered to be a life time Investment if they are placed properly.

There are multiple other factors that effect the life of full mouth dental implants

  • Expertise of the Implantologist: Experience and expertise of the Implantologist plays a major role as implants require precise placement for proper osseo Integration.
  • Type of implants placed (Basal implants Osseo fixate with the bone which is just a mechanical bonding of the Implant with the bone, whereas Conventional implants under our CPBCCI protocol ™ Osseo Integrate with the bone, where the Implants merge with the bone physiologically.
  • Number of implants placed, “ALL ON 6” concept will score over “ALL ON 4” as they avoid cantilevers and maintain uniform distribution of the load on the Implants.
  • Proper oral hygiene maintenance.

Full mouth reconstruction on implants can be achieved using Basal implants or Conventional Implants, If the procedure is done using Basal Implants, the number of Implants will be around 8 to 10 per jaw, while full mouth rehabilitation using Conventional Implants can be achieved with “ALL ON 4 “ OR “ALL ON 6 “ Concept.


“All on 4” – where 4 implants are placed in each of the jaws and rehabilitated using Hybrid prosthesis on Cobalt chromium frame work, which can be later changed to DMLS. “All on 6” – As the name suggests 6 implants are placed in upper and lower jaws each and DMLS or Zirconia on Titanium Frame can be used for Prosthesis.

Full dental implants involve placing of 10 implants in upper & lower arches each, if one is opting for Basal Implants and “All on 4” or “ All on 6” Concept in Conventional two piece system, this type of placement facilitates immediate loading of fixed permanent teeth in less than a week (All on 4 concept might not make immediate loading possible in all circumstances).


One can start eating regular food without delay from the day of teeth fixation (permanent teeth will be fixed in less than a week).

Full mouth dental implant surgery involves extraction of teeth if any, followed by proper debridement and implant placement, implants are then scanned for the preparation of final prosthesis. The entire procedure will take around 3 to 4 hours, it is nevertheless a painless procedure as it will be done under local anaesthesia. The permanent teeth will be fixed in less than a week after taking required trials.

Dental implants (Conventional Implants) when placed properly in the basal bone of the jaw, Osseo Integrate with the jaw bone, that is they fuse with the jaw bone and form an integral part of the bone, hence it is unquestionably painless while chewing as the implants function and look like natural teeth.

The cost of Full mouth implants involving Basal Implants require around 10 implants in each jaw, This is followed by fixation of DMLS Teeth in less than a week.


Using Conventional implants it is either, “All On 4” where 4 implants are placed in each of the jaws followed by a hybrid prosthesis or “All on 6” where 6 implants are placed in each arch followed by fixation of DMLS or Zirconia on Titanium framework, based on the implants and type of the prosthesis the cost of a full mouth will range from $ 4000 to $ 9000.

LBR Dental & Implant Center under the able guidance of DR. K. A. Reddy regularly conducts Implant courses for upcoming doctors at their center in Hyderabad, one can register in one such courses to get treatment at affordable prices, where DR. K. A Reddy will do the entire treatment (ALL ON 6 WITH DMLS TEETH) the doctors who have come to learn will just watch him do the procedure and get trained. cost is almost 40% less if patient opts to get full mouth dental implants in the course.

Delayed loading involves additional invasive procedures like sinus lift and Bone grafting followed by a waiting period of 4 to 6 months before one could get permanent fixed teeth on implants, where as in immediate loading technique, implants are engaged in the basal bone which aids in proper osseo Integration of the implants, this along with CPBCCI™ Protocol facilities Immediate loading of teeth, in other words permanent teeth can be fixed in less than 7 days.


If you are worried that you are losing out something by not opting for Sinus lifts and Bone grafts, then yes, you are losing out on the pain, cost, and months of waiting associated with delayed loading.

The idea of getting few metal posts fixed into your jaw can sound little frightening but dental implants made of surgical grade titanium are time tested, bio compatible and do not cause any kind of allergies, in fact it is the same metal that will be used in knee replacement surgeries and in bone fracture cases.


Fixed Teeth On Dental Implants in addition to significantly improving you oral health, will boost your general health, one can take proper nutritious food after they get a full set of fixed teeth, as the process of digestion starts in the mouth.

It is always better to save your natural teeth when there is a possibility to do so. Any kind of tooth replacement, how ever good it is, will not be able to match up with a healthy natural tooth.


But when there is no possibility to rehabilitate the damaged tooth then, Dental implants should be the treatment of choice as Dental Implants with a life time survival rate replace the tooth as a whole, that is the crown and the Root, there by regaining the behaviour and function of natural teeth.

Cost of ALL ON 6 Dental Implants will rely on

  • The make of the Implants
  • The Expertise of the Surgeon
  • Use of Multi Unit Abutments
  • Whether the case requires regular sized implants or Zygoma Implants which are used in highly resorbed upper jaw cases.
  • The type of prosthesis, DMLS or Zirconia On Titanium Frame Work.


Cost of “ALL ON 6” at LBR DENTAL & IMPLANT CENTER for both arches will be around 6000 to 9000 USD.

Yes, of course. fixed teeth are possible irrespective of bone volume and density in all the cases with out an exception. In no jaw bone cases, (Atrophic maxilla) the cheek bone or the Zygoma Bone, the Tubero Pterygoid Bone and the Nasal cortex are engaged to place 6 implants in the upper arch and with regard to the lower jaw, implants will be possible in the anterior region in most of the cases and implants in the posterior segment of the lower jaw are made possible using the nerve bypass technique, this will be followed by immediate loading of teeth in less than a week days.


Even in Mucormycosis cases, (where the entire jaw will be removed owing to the post covid infection), teeth were loaded immediately by Dr. K. A. Reddy, dealing no bone cases is not considered an issue at LBR DENTAL & IMPLANT CENTER.

Full set of fixed teeth on dental implants score over traditional removable dentures in several ways, Apart from providing a fixed stable prosthesis which imitate healthy natural teeth in form and function, implants arrest the bone loss which usually follows tooth extraction, this leads to an aged appearance due to loss of vertical jaw bone height. Opt for Immediate loading fixed teeth on implants and bring back the comfort and aesthetics that healthy natural teeth offer.

Once a tooth is removed and not replaced, the bone surrounding the missing tooth root starts to recede due to lack of stimulation from the grinding forces that is usually transmitted to the bone through the tooth root.


Replacing teeth with the help of a bridge is not going to arrest the bone loss as the bridge just sits on the gum and fills the missing tooth space and does nothing to arrest the bone loss, where as an implant is more than a cosmetic procedure as it replaces the tooth as a whole, the crown and the root there by preventing bone loss.

If your traditional removable dentures are wobbling and creating embarrassing moments while speaking and chewing, you can stabilize the same dentures with the help of 2 to 4 implants, though it will still be a removable option, the denture will be remain stable until you try to remove them at bed time, “All on 4” is the most affordable option if one is looking for a fixed prosthesis.

When placed by an experienced Implantologist following all the required protocols, Dental implants will definitely last for a life time as the implants after being placed in the bone Osseo integrate with the surrounding bone, which means that the implants fuse with the bone and become a part of it.

Any person above the age of 18 years irrespective of the bone condition and systemic problems like Diabetics and Hypertension and habits like smoking, suffering with missing or badly damaged teeth is a suitable candidate for dental implants, the only exception being the one on IV Bisphosphonates, people on oral Bisphosphonates have to stop their medication on advise of their physician 6 months before the procedure if they want to go for a dental implants procedure.

There were days when people with missing teeth had to put up with removable dentures which cause problems while speaking and chewing, they also lead to bone loss giving the patients an aged appearance over a period, Dental implants are considered as a modern innovation to effectively replace missing or badly damaged teeth to restore chewing capacity and at the same time retaining the health of the bone by providing required stimulation and contributing fixed teeth for a life time.

Infection or Improper placement of implants leads to their rejection. implants are either Smooth surfaced or entirely Rough surfaced but we need an implant that keeps infection at bay and at the same time engages properly with the bone and serves us for our life time To avoid infection we need smooth surface and for the dental Implant to stabilize in the bone we need a rough surface implant. The Conventional Implants that we use with our trademarked CPBCCI Protocol has both smooth surface and a rough surface incorporated into a single Implant there by providing us an infection free Implant that also binds well with the bone. When implants are placed in the bone that holds the teeth and if there is any infection in the gums, the alveolar bone surrenders, that is it resorbs there by leading to implant failure, that is the same reason why natural teeth become loose, when the alveolar bone cannot support the natural teeth, how can one expect it to support an implant which is definitely a foreign body to the bone.


The Conventional implants with CPBCCI Protocol when placed in the Basal bone, provide an additional immunity measure for proper engagement of Implants. Implants placed in such fashion never fail and serve for a persons life time.

A dental implant should be placed immediately after a tooth extraction to maintain the natural bone structure which otherwise will resorb overtime due to absence of the natural tooth root. Apart from bone preservation, Immediate implant placement will decrease the overall treatment time permitting immediate rehabilitation of aesthetics & function.

Dental implants are made of Titanium, which is a non toxic and a bio-compatible material. Implants work in harmony with the bone without generating unfavorable reactions.

Titanium or Zirconia which the implants are usually made of are not ferromagnetic which means that they are non reactive to magnetism and cannot be drawn into the machines magnetic field.

Yes, you do. You can apply for a medical visa, For which we will provide you with the required documents.

Rajiv Gandhi International airport, Hyderabad. It is the 6th busiest airport in India with excellent connectivity.

Not at all, choose a flight according to your convenience, we will provide airport transfers regardless of the timings.

Once you arrive at the airport, look out for our manager, standing at the main entrance with a placard that reads your name.

LBR Dental and Implant Center has 2 branches and the main branch is located in the heart of the city called Madhapur, which is relatively close to good hotels, Shopping centre and tourist attractions.

Yes, we do accept payment by cards.


Dental Implants


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