LBR Dental & Implant Center

Excruciating pain is not the only indication of a dental emergency, somebody hits you in the face or there is an accidental fall and knocks out a tooth, it will be shocking to say the least. Your tooth breaks when you bite something hard or you experience sudden pain in the middle of the night and don’t know what to do next.

It is always better to know some useful tips in an emergency. Did you know that a completely knocked out tooth can be fixed back if you carry it back to the doctor in a bowl of milk in less than an hour. One might not realize it, but a broken tooth or a sudden tooth pain should be addressed at the earliest for a better outcome.

Pain or an injury can be categorized under an emergency, Some common dental emergencies and associated homecare to keep the problem under check until you reach out to your dentist.

  1. Severe tooth pain radiating to the jaw or head could indicate, deep cavity or an abscess in a tooth or it can also be due to an impacted wisdom tooth.
    • Warm salt water gargling
    • Cold compression on the cheek from outside.
    • Taking over the counter Pain killer for the time being.
    • Dental pains will usually be severe when you lie down, keeping your head elevated while you lie down will be of help.
  2. Loose crown or a Bridge.
    Even though a loose crown or a bridge might not require immediate help but is not safe to retain them in the mouth as one might swallow them along with the food, take it out if possible, and get it refixed at the earliest, avoid eating from the affected side and rinse thoroughly after each meal until the problem is fixed.
  3. Chipped or a fractured tooth.
    Fractured front teeth will not only hurt but ruin your smile too, in case of an injury to a tooth, take soft food and bite on the unaffected side to prevent further damage, swish with salt water, and seek dental appointment at the earliest.
  4. Knocked out tooth:
    This requires immediate attention, pick the tooth while holding the crown portion, rinse it gently with milk or sterile water and leave it in a bowl of milk, if a container or milk is not available, carry it to a nearest dentist in your mouth in less than an hour.
  5. Broken or detached Braces.
    There are chances of breaking or sticking out of metallic braces and poke your cheeks and gums leading to discomfort. If this happens, try pushing the detached wire into a more comfortable position. If this isn’t possible, cover the exposed end with a piece of wax or softened chewing gum.
  6. Pain and Bleeding after a tooth removal:
    It is common to experience mild pain after tooth extraction but if bleeding persists even after an hour, place a thick gauze or cotton swab over the extraction site, and bite on it to exert pressure on the bleeding site for another hour. Avoid rinsing and spitting, if it still continues to bleed, seek help.

The Essentials to prevent a Dental Emergency

  1. Use of a mouthguard: Wear a mouthguard before you head out to play games like Rugby or Baseball.
  2. Beware of the food you eat, even though teeth are protected by the strongest outer layer called the enamel, Nuts and tough meat bones are some of the foods that should be avoided to prevent tooth damage.
  3. Don’t use your teeth to open bottle caps or chew on things other than food like pen caps and avoid biting nails.
  4. Do not use threads, wires or toothpicks to remove impacted food particles between teeth.
    With little care dental emergencies can definitely be avoided.


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